Thursday, May 7, 2015

Homemade Shampoo and tips for a gorgeous hair!!


Do shampoo manufacturers have your best interest at heart? Perhaps you believe they do, but since you’re here reading this article we’ll assume you’re at least becoming skeptical.
It’s simple. No one cares more about your pocket book or your hair than you. That’s why you’re here. That’s why you want to make your own shampoo. And that’s why you want to make more of your own products. So do we!

How to make Homemade Shampoo

How To Make Shampoo 2
To make this shampoo, commonly referred to as “no-poo,” you will only need 2 ingredients. Never mistake simplicity for ineffectiveness. I double dog dare you to make, use, and compare this shampoo. After you’re convinced I want you to share the information with every one you know. That is what is all about!
  • 1 Tbsp baking soda –Baking soda is also referred to as sodium bicarbonate or sodium hydrogen carbonate.
  • 1 cup water – Like I said, one of the ingredients is free. Use whatever kind of water you wish – we use tapwhich is English for “out of the sink.”
We mix ours in double batches into a clean, repurposed shampoo bottle. Feel free to use whatever container you like, doubling up on ingredients until it’s full.

How to use

Simply shake the bottle before each use and squirt directly onto scalp and hair. Gently massage into the scalp hair for a minute or two and rinse well.
Note: This homemade shampoo will give best results when used with soft water. 

How much does it cost?

I’m glad you asked… it’s one of my favorite parts.
  • Cost = approximately $0.06/ounce depending on how much you pay for your baking soda.
If an average bottle of shampoo is a 16 ounce bottle this shampoo will cost you less than a dollar. Not too shabby.

Safe for all hair types

This shampoo is completely safe for all hair types and willnot strip your hair of its natural oils, unlike most commercial shampoo. 
Be sure to question the safety of store-bought shampoos, along with any other products you buy – and always understand the ingredients of the products you use.

Tips for controlling static

Especially if you’re heat styling, you may notice some static when using this shampoo in the colder months. You can troubleshoot the static by trying some of the following tips:
  • Be sure you’re trimming your ends every 6-8 weeks, less split ends = less static.
  • Try shampooing less often (every other day or 3x/week).
  • Use less heating elements (blow dryers, flat/curling irons, etc.).
  • Try massaging in a Tbsp of olive oil once/week then rinsing.
  • Melt a small amount of coconut oil in your hands and rub through the ends of your hair, avoiding your scalp.
  • Another treatment to try is avocado w/lemon juice – mix, smash into hair, let sit 30 mins and rinse.

Tips for controlling oily hair

  • Do occasionally – mix 2 egg yolks with 2 tsp lemon juice or vinegar. Work it into hair and let set a few minutes while showering.  The egg binds with oils in the hair. Rinse with lukewarm water.
  • Add 6-8 drops of a citrus essential oil to your shampoo. Try lemon, lime, or sweet orange for controlling oil. 
  • Be sure to shake your homemade shampoo vigorously to ensure the baking soda is completely dissolved into the water.
  • Massage baking soda shampoo into your scalp for at least 2 minutes.
  • Give your hair a few weeks to adjust to the change (could take 2-3 weeks or more).

Tips for thickening shampoo

  • Blend up some whole oats in a good blender then mix with baking soda and water. Different people prefer different consistencies so add oat flour slowly until desired thickness is reached.
  • Mix cornstarch or arrowroot powder with the baking soda and water (add enough for desired thickness).
  • Use both oats and cornstarch. Try this mixture: 1 cup warm water, 1 tablespoon baking soda, and equal parts cornstarch and oatmeal flour to thicken (approx. ¾ tablespoon of each).
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