Monday, May 11, 2015

Dry Brushing Skin

What is Dry Brushing?

Dry brushing is the practice of using a natural brush with stiff bristles to brush your body. You’ll want a more gentle brush for your face.

The How-To

It is best to use small, straight movements in the direction of the heart rather than circular movements. Start soft until you become accustomed to the feeling. These movements should be short and fluttery. You might envision that with each movement you are moving something that is under the skin from one area to another.
Your skin should be pink and tingly, not red and irritated when you are finished. One of the most common mistakes people make is taking their brush into the bath or shower.Dry brushing is a dry process.It should be done at least once a day and is best done before bathing or showering.

Why You Should Dry Brush

Circulatory Health

Dry brushing stimulates blood flow out to the small capillaries in your skin that are often fed less as we age.

Younger-Looking Skin

Because you are stimulating blood flow to the outer layers of your skin, your skin is getting properly oxygenated. This means less wrinkles. It can also mean an improvement in the appearance of cellulite. It definitely means that you are getting regular exfoliation which will keep your skin glowing, remove dead and toxic debris, and may help to prevent wrinkles.
Our lymphatic system flows along with the circulation. It is responsible for moving toxicity out of our bodies through the skin and lymph nodes. Be sure to stimulate especially those areas near the groin, around the breasts, and under the armpits as you work your brush. Your immune system will thank you! (NOTE: The benefits to the lymphatic system are the reason I was recommending dry brushing to the relative with psoriasis.)

Metabolism Boost

Do you typically feel cold? Do you need to turn your shower up to the maximum heat setting just to feel comfortable? Dry brushing will bring heat and warmth to your extremities and encourage your blood flow to continue, keeping your thermostat running better.

It feels awesome!

Seriously, once you start you may become addicted.

Important Tips & Suggestions for Dry Brushing

  • For best results, your skin brushing routine should become a habit. It takes several weeks of daily brushing to see a change in the look of your skin and it takes longer to change the behavior of your lymphatic and circulatory system.
  • Don’t brush over open wounds or rashes. Be gentle with yourself.
  • Drink plenty of water each day to maximize the functioning of your body’s natural detoxification systems.
  • Dry brushing is catching on in the mainstream so you will hear about it all over the place. I’ve heard some pretty lofty claims about the practice, including the notion that this is a way to lose weight! Be sure that you are following what feels right to you, what makes you feel healthy, and avoiding suggestions that aren’t right for your individual body.
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