Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Solve your dandruff problem forever

There are few things more annoying in life than dandruff. For some people, it strikes seasonally, for others it's a chronic problem. In this article, I share my 2-punch system to rid yourself of dandruff forever, plus, I share my favorite natural dandruff remedy.

According to the Mayo Clinic, dandruff likely isn't caused by a dry scalp, overuse of hair products or poor hygiene, dandruff's biggest culprit is likely a fungus called "malassezia." Most adults have this fungus on their scalps, but it can get out of control on those who suffer from dandruff.

The fungus tends to feed on oil secretions and causes clumps of dead skin cells.

The best way to fight dandruff is with a two-punch shampoo system:

First, shampoo with a shampoo containing zinc pyrithione, such as Head & Shoulders. This kills the fungus.
Follow this shampoo with one that has salicylic acid, which "scrubs" off the flakes.

These two in combination should control your dandruff problems, but if this doesn't work, I'd advise you to consult a dermatologist, who can prescribe stronger medication.

For those not inclined to put chemicals on their scalp, there's a great homemade dandruff recipe I've heard great things about. Here's how it works:

First, you massage flaxseed oil into the scalp (you can add in sugar to help exfoliate the dead skin). Let the oils "marinate" on the scalp for awhile.
Then you follow with apple cider vinegar rinse which is great at fighting yeast and bacteria. 
 I love the addition of the sugar to the oil because it acts as a natural exfoliator for dry flakes, but some women prefer to leave the sugar out.

For more tips visit:


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