Wednesday, August 26, 2015

How to easy banish the bags under your eyes

Easy tips to have a good start in the morning.

Curb the Salt

Put down that salt shaker! Water will always find its way from parts of your body that are low in sodium to those that have the most. The area around your eyes is a prime example. That’s why a dinner loaded with salt often results in morning-after puffiness.
Manage Your Allergies
Allergy season and watery, puffy eyes go hand-in-hand. Here’s the good news: Those over-the-counter medicines that you take for your allergies, colds, or sinus infections can dry up your puffy eyes -- along with your runny nose.

Use a Neti Pot
Try a neti pot. Use this gizmo, which looks like a small teapot, to pour salt water into one nostril and let it drain out the other. It sounds weird, but it might help flush out all that extra moisture in your sinuses from seasonal allergies, colds, or infections.

Switch Your Sleep Position
Are you a side or stomach sleeper? Gravity causes fluid to collect under your eyes, which might explain those pesky bags. Try to sleep on your back and add an extra pillow under your head.
Take Your Makeup Off Before Bed
Don’t hit the hay with your eye makeup on. It can make your eyes water, and cause a case of morning-after puffiness. Wash off the gunk with soap and water, or use a remover every night.
Go Easy on the Alcohol
A glass of wine is fine, but don’t overdo it. Why? Booze can pull the water out of your skin. Once you weaken the delicate area around your eyes, it's more likely to sink into a pouch. If you do tie one on, drink water before you go to bed and use a moisturizer around your eyes.
Give Your Eyes a Cooldown

Got swollen eyes? Chill them out! A cold compress can ease puffiness. Try chilled spoons, cucumber slices, or tea bags. What you use doesn’t matter -- the low temperature does the work.

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Source: www.webmd.

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