Saturday, August 1, 2015

Slim down before your wedding

You’ve shopped for the dress, you’ve trimmed the guest list, you’ve chosen the invitations.  But have you come up with a plan to lose weight for your wedding?  If you’re a soon-to-be-bride, you know that there’s already enough to do to get ready for your big day. No worries here we have a couple of tips to slim down and become a more beautiful bride.

Plan in Advance to Lose Weight for Your Wedding

Try to start your workout and diet plan at least six weeks before your big day.  If you have more time, that’s even better!  If you wait until the month before your wedding, you may be tempted to over restrict calories to slim down.

As part of your planning process, ask for help from family and friends.  Put your bridesmaids to work as exercise buddies.  Ask your groom to be to support you as you eat a clean diet and restrict alcohol to lose weight.  The more help you have, the more likely you’ll be to slim down with success.

Combine food and exercise for Best Results

For best results, do both the diet plan and the workout routine simultaneously.  If that is too much, the diet will have a greater impact than the workout routine. If you have to choose one or the other, choose the Diet.  But then try to squeeze in as much non-exercise physical activity as possible to burn extra calories.

And lastly, remember to keep your expectations in check.  A reasonable weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week.  Many dieters find that they lose more weight in the beginning of a new eating plan and you may be able to benefit from that trend.

 But it is not likely that you will go from a size 14 to a size 0.  Focus on being the healthiest, most radiant version of yourself, not a model in a bridal magazine.

Are you ready to get started?

For more tips visit

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