Sunday, July 26, 2015

Reading the labels: Deodorants.

For something that is considered a “must” in our society, one would think that these products would be safe to use on our skin. Unfortunately, the hidden truth is that deodorants and antiperspirants actually contain harmful chemicals that are toxic to our bodies.

Ingredients to Watch Out For

Just like foods, it’s important to read and know the ingredients in your skin care products. Here is a list of the top ingredients to avoid and why they are harmful when buying deodorant.


This metal is the most common ingredient in deodorants and is used to help block the sweat glands.

It can mimic estrogen, which has been linked to breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

Propylene Glycol

This chemical is petroleum based and is used to help soften products due to its slick nature. It is considered a neurotoxin and has been known to cause kidney, liver and heart damage.


One of the most popular chemicals found in a high quantity of our beauty products. Parabens are a synthetic preservative and are also known to mimic estrogen, which can wreak havoc on your hormones. Parabens have been linked to breast cancer, birth defects and organ toxicity.


This chemical, like Propylene Glycol, has been known to disrupt your hormones and cause higher birth defects as well as increase the chance for cell mutation. Phthalates is used in beauty products to help create a better consistency.


Triclosan, used to protect against odor, is considered to be a pesticide by the FDA. It is a skin irritant that has been known to cause dermatitis. It can disrupt thyroid and hormone function and is a suspected carcinogen (substance linked to causing cancer)


Also considered to be a carcinogen, however, this chemical is not regulated so it is unclear of the exact damage it may cause.


This skin irritant has been known to have crystalline quartz, AKA, carcinogen

Steareth-n (n=any number)

Although it comes from vegetables, this chemical has been linked to carcinogen and ethylene oxide.

Don’t be Overwhelmed

It may seem a little overwhelming to think that something you’ve used since your teen years is actually pretty toxic for your body, but don’t sweat it!! (Yes, pun intended) There are tons of great, all–natural deodorants and antiperspirants in the market today. Our world is becoming more educated about the chemicals used in our products and foods and the harm they cause, which in return is helping to make a change and provide us with more organic options than ever before!

Make Your Own Non-Toxic Deodorant

4 Tbsp. Organic Coconut Oil

3 Tbsp. Shea Butter

4 Tbsp. Baking Soda

10 Drops Eucalyptus Or Lavender Organic Essential Oils

1 Large Quart Mason Jar

Combine coconut oil and shea butter in a mason jar and place in a large saucepan over medium heat until mixture is melted.Remove from heat; add baking soda and mix well to combine.Add essential oils.Set aside to cool completely and store in fridge or counter top.Replace mixture in an older deodorant stick. 

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