Thursday, June 18, 2015

How to pamper your own feet

Easy tips to take care of your feet. 

*Bye bye old polish

Remove all traces of old polish on your toe nails with nail polish remover.

*Relax and soak your feet

Fill a bowl with warm water and include any foot soak mix or bath salts. Let your feet soak for 5 - 10 minutes.

*Get a scrubbing

Use grainy exfoliants to slough off rough spots on your feet. For an inexpensive alternative, you can add some granulated sugar to your favorite thick moisturizer and use that a scrub. Wash off your feet and pat dry.

*Banish calluses

If you have calluses, use a diamond file to gently scrape the bottoms of your feet and toes in back-and-forth motion. Do not grate your feet like cheese--be gentle and don't file it raw!

*Nail shaping

If you just need a touch up, file your nails straight across in one direction with a glass file to even the shape. If a trim is needed, trim them straight across and smooth the edges with the file. To prevent ingrown nails, give them a bit of a round shape.


Use a hydrating foot cream to massage the top and bottom of your feet. After your feet as nearly dry, apply a vitamin-rich cuticle oil on your toes to soften the skin around your nails. Use a wooden stick to gently push back your cuticles.

*Polish time

Make sure to get rid of the excess oils on your nails by swiping an acetone remover over them first. Apply a thin base coat, then two coats of nail polish followed by a top coat to seal in the color.

*Drying time

Let your toes dry for 15 minutes before attempting to wear open-toed shoes. If you're on the go, use quick-dry drops to speed up the process.

Tip: To quickly fix a polish mistake, wet your finger with some nail polish remover and lightly drag it over the polish to smooth it out. Wait 10 - 15 seconds before applying a top coat.

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