Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Concealer Basics

Concealer is everybody’s friend. We’ve yet to meet a person who couldn’t benefit from a dab here and there. It brightens up the complexion and targets discoloration more effectively than foundation. Here are some of the top spots we cover up daily.

Under The Eyes

Even the most even complexion can feature discoloration under the eyes—a result of anything from lack of sleep to genetics. Dabbing a concealer one shade lighter than your skintone under and around your eyes will add a lifted effect to the area, making you look awake and refreshed.

Around The Nose

A must for those on the go. The area around our nostrils tends to redden from element exposure and nose-blowing from seasonal allergies—all of which can make our schnoz appear larger than it really is. Using concealer to match your skin tone on a well moisturized nose will keep you from looking like a circus clown through pollen season. Try a full-coverage concealer with a built-in brush, for easy on-the-go touchups.

On And Around The Mouth

Make your lip shape pop by priming around your mouth with a creamy concealer. Evening out skin tone around the lips will create a more defined lip line once you scribble on that lippie in fire engine red or perfect plum. Is your lipstick not bright enough? Pat a bit of concealer over your lips before applying a sheer color to up the brightness factor from beneath.

Over Blemishes

Concealer is acne-prone skin’s best friend. Where heavy foundations lend an unwanted chalky look to the whole face, applying concealer liberally to sporadic spots and splotches is a great way to cover up what you don’t want to show, while letting the clear areas of your face still go bare. Tip: set with powder to blend spot coverage and even out texture between covered and uncovered areas, and you’re good to go.

Visit: www.lewisboutique.com

Source: beautilish.com

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