Saturday, January 31, 2015

Unexpected Space-Saving Ideas

Sure, living in shoebox-sized digs is a challenge. But for us metropolitanites, sacrificing square footage is the price we willingly pay for living in a city full of amenities.Here we have some ideas to help you saving space and living better.

Tip #1: You can save at least 10 square feet of valuable storage space by using your closet ceiling to store lightweight seasonal items like wrapping paper. The best part: Your hidden stash will be easy to reach and won’t get tousled or torn.

Tip #2: Note to shelf: If you have high ceilings,use them. Stash seasonal items, books, linens, and more over your bathroom, bedroom, or even front door.

Tip #3:Free up your kitchen counter, cabinets, and drawers by using magnets, hooks, and clips to hang stuff.

Tip #4:Pretty decor can also have a utilitarian purpose. How about reimagining your dining room table as wall art or vice versa?


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