Saturday, January 31, 2015

Unexpected Space-Saving Ideas

Sure, living in shoebox-sized digs is a challenge. But for us metropolitanites, sacrificing square footage is the price we willingly pay for living in a city full of amenities.Here we have some ideas to help you saving space and living better.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Denim Shorts and Black Tights

Denim cutoffs might be the quintessential summer staple, but they also look amazing—and appropriate—in the winter when they’re styled around seasonal pieces, and a pair of opaque black tights.
Whether you rock yours with a T-shirt and tailored blazer, a tucked-in flannel, a black turtleneck, or—like fashion blogger Shea Marie of Peace, Love, Shea—a cozy sweater, there’s no question that replacing a skirt with a pair of denim shorts adds an instant shot of cool to any winter outfit.
Don’t own denim shorts? Grab those jeans you don’t wear much anymore and create your own using our handy tutorial that shows you how to create the perfect distressed pair. 
Add ankle booties, flat over-the-knee boots, or a sleek pair of pointy loafers, and you have tomorrow’s look!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

5 Cool Ways to Use Fashion Items as Home Decor

Your favorite fashion items don’t have to be relegated to the confines of your closet, as some of the most fashionable decor enthusiasts are using apparel and accessories as decor elements in their homes.
For instance, Tamara Mellon, the co-founder of Jimmy Choo and now the founder of her own namesake label, displays some of her favorite shoes as mini works of art in her living room. Similarly, fashion blogger Kelly Framel behind The Glamourai has a dress form beside her bed, where she shows off some of her favorite fashion items.

The best part about using fashion items to decorate with? In most cases you won’t have to go out and buy anything new to get the look, rather just re-think how you’re displaying everything from your scarves to your handbag collection. Here, our top tips for how to incorporate fashion items into your home decor.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Try This: A Crop Top Over Your Blouse

What better way to ring in a new year than by stepping out of your comfort zone.
At the forefront of fashion trends that refuse to go out of style is the crop top. While you might think this flesh-flashing piece wouldn’t get much wear when summer ends, we’ve got the style tip–to prove you wrong.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Men: How to Dress for a First Date

Let's face it: Women love clothes. Why else are they constantly shopping and complimenting their girlfriends on that incredible new top or pair of pumps? And while you may be wondering, “What does this have to do with me?” I’ll tell you: More and more, women are expecting, even demanding, that the men they date look more like the “after” images on Queer Eye than the “before.” In other words, showing up at a swanky martini bar in your college hoodie and lucky sneakers may make that first date your last. But passing their scrutinizing standards isn’t as hard as you think; nor does it involve blowing your bank account on a whole new wardrobe. Just keep these simple tips from fashion experts in mind to show women you do indeed have a clue when it comes to style.

Monday, January 26, 2015

10-Second Styling Tips Every Woman Should Know

The smallest tweaks to your outfit can make all the difference. Want to repurpose that casual blazer for the office? Cinch it to define your waist. Want to add extra pep to your leather shorts and white tee? Try coordinating your coat, bag, and lip color. Read on for the easiest outfit ideas that will make you look more polished, and all in under a minute.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Keep Your Clothes Looking New - Tips

If you’re on a budget, buying new clothes can be costly and unnecessary. Taking good care of your clothes will not only make you look better, but it will also make them last longer.
Here are several tips to consider when you are caring for your garments at home.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Jewelry For Men - Tips

classic watch is undoubtedly a man's single most important fashion accessory. Some more conservative men will go so far as to say that a watch should be the only accessory worn and that anything else is simply superficial and useless.

The modern man, however, can definitely look stylish while wearing a bracelet, chain or ring, as long as he doesn't exaggerate. So what kind of fashion accessories should men wear in order to look stylish, without looking over-decorated and tacky?

Friday, January 23, 2015

Perfumes: Alien by Thierry Mugler

Discover Alien, radiant and mysterious, the elixir of absolute femininity. Be seduced by the soothing solar energy of this extraordinary fragrance from elsewhere. Luminous like a brilliant solar flower, the fragrance exudes a positive energy, charged with mystery. Evoking the scent of wood warmed by intense sunlight, Alien is sensual and intriguing, yet as soft and rich as the caress of cashmere.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

3 Timeless Home Decorating Tips

Looking for design inspiration? Consult this advice from legendary decorating experts.

Stick to a muted palette

What she said: "The fewer colors used in a room, the more pleasing and restful the result will be," said Edith Wharton (1862-1937), in The Decoration of Houses (1897). Before winning a Pulitzer for The Age of Innocence, Wharton was a decorating pioneer, advising people to steer clear of the overstuffed furniture, the gloomy colors, and the multitude of knickknacks characteristic of the Victorian era. The Mount, her estate in Lenox, Massachusetts, was restored in 2002 and is currently open to the public.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

5 Tips To Dramatically Improve Your Style

Want to improve your style but you don’t know where to start?
Today’s article is for the guys who want to improve their style dramatically with little effort.
More and more men are starting to realize how a sense of fashion is an asset in every aspect of their lives. In today’s world, looking your best keeps you one step ahead.

Monday, January 19, 2015

What to Wear to Enhance Your Eye Color

PHOTO: Billy Farrell/

We’re well aware that your hair color, skin tone, and makeup technique play a role in the intensity of your eye color, but today we’re proving that the extra sparkle in your eye has everything to do with the colors you wear. Whether you have a set of baby blue, sparkly green, sharp hazel, or deep brown blinkers, here are the basic color guidelines to follow for your boldest and brightest eyes! 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

How to Match Your Watch To Your Clothes

Watches are one of the most worn piece of accessories by most men, who, when they pick their accessories, choose to wear a watch or a tie. Waistbands, pocket squares and all the other accessories men can use are generally left for the second or third place. The watch you are wearing speaks a lot about your personality and taste. The reason watches are such a powerful reflection of one’s inner being is because they are a conscious choice. Mostly everyone today has a cell phone they can check to see what time it is, so wearing a watch is a deliberate choice and a style statement.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

How to Dress for a Company Party or Business Dinner

Old etiquette: Your nine-to-five wear puts in some overtime.

New etiquette: Keep things professional (you’re still working) but in line with the event.

What to wear: When you’re dressing for a work function, the culture of your office should prevail. “If it’s a conservative environment, dress conservatively for events, too,” says fashion stylist Joseph Williamson. But no matter how relaxed your office environment or the occasion (that means you, company picnic!), never wear anything provocative. “A too-revealing outfit can prevent you from being taken seriously when it comes to job promotions,” warns Fox. And, yes, that includes the “sexy cat” costume you’ve been eyeing for the annual Halloween bash.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Perfumes: La Vie Et Belle

La vie est belle or life is beautiful—the expression of a new era. It represents a choice; the choice to break free from convention, the choice to create your own path to happiness. La vie est belle introduces a new olfactive story, the first ever iris gourmand. 

The juice is made with the most precious natural ingredients, a modern interpretation of an oriental fragrance with a twist of gourmand. It entwines the elegance of iris with the strength of patchouli and the sweetness of a gourmand blend for an incredible scent with depth and complexity. 

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Occasion: A Cocktail Party

Old etiquette: No surprise here―a cocktail dress.

New etiquette: Cocktail dresses are always in style, but you have other options.

What to wear: These days, a cocktail party can be anything from a swanky society affair―cue that glittery knee-length number from the “special occasions” department―to a low-key group of friends gathered around a platter of crudités. But for the most part, “cocktail parties are dressy-casual, so you can’t go wrong if you wear a top with some special details and a skirt or tailored pants, plus heels or fancy flats,” says Williamson. “Avoid fabrics that are too casual, like chino, jersey, and denim.”

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

How to Dress for a Wedding

Old etiquette: Don’t wear white or black or red.

New etiquette: Black and red are perfectly fine, but white is still the ultimate wedding no-no.

What to wear: Let the invitation, the season, and the hour be your guides. (If you’re at a loss and you’re close to the bride, ask her what’s right; otherwise, consult the maid of honor or the bride’s mother.)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

5 Winter Styling Tricks That Will Make Your Legs Look Longer

Sadly, we weren’t all born with legs like a supermodel. For many of us, dreams of strutting our long limbs down the Victoria’s Secret runway, or more simply, wearing new jeans without first having the length altered, expired long, long ago. 

Fortunately, fashion can fix that with outfits that will instantly make your stems appear longer, slimmer, and sexier all winter long — no gym membership required.

Monday, January 12, 2015

3 Unexpected Beauty Uses for Coffee

Think you couldn’t love coffee any more than you already do? Think again! The caffeinated goodness is also beneficial in your beauty routine. Here, we present three products that harness the power of java, plus how to make your own versions at home.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

How to Match Your Makeup and Clothes

Matching your makeup to your wardrobe can be a very flattering when done correctly and atrocious when done wrong. So to help guide you on matching your cosmetics and clothing, we've put together some simple tips for pulling off a regal look, royal or not.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

How to Transition Your Outfit from Work to a Date

So you have a date after work, but no time to go home and change into something a little more appropriate. It seems excessive and unnecessary to keep a whole different wardrobe under your desk stashed for such occasions. But, since we’ve all been in this situation, it is something we need to resolve. Read below to find several practical suggestions for how to go from day to night as easily as possible.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Perfumes: Boss No.6 by Hugo Boss

Cool, confident, and contemporary, Boss Hugo Boss embodies the 21st century man who embraces life with the utmost vigor. With fresh and sensuous tones, the fragrance exudes an air of distinction, sophistication, and overall 'joie de vivre.' The Boss male, a study in modernity, pursues his goals with heroic energy and enthusiasm, but at the same time remains witty and desirable. This signature scent matches all the extraordinary facets that make him one of a kind.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Pink and Red together? Try it!

Somewhere along the way, red and pink got a reputation for clashing terribly, which resulted in women avoiding the color combo like the plague (true story: “Do red and pink clash?” yields over 4 million results in Google.)

But, as with all things we scoff at fashion-wise, the pairing started to come back around a few seasons ago, with top designers proving it not only doesn’t mismatch, but actually looks achingly modern together.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

10 Decorating Ideas for Kids Rooms

Lovely Girls Bedding at
1. To help your kids stay organized, keep things at their height. Closet storage, benches and coat racks will all be used more often if kids can get to them easily.
2. Try creating a continuous art center by using wainscoting in a room and painting the wall below with chalkboard paint. You can get chalkboard paint in the color of your choice. Simply paint up to a chair rail or install your own and paint below.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Perfumes: Boucheron Perfume by Boucheron

Boucheron for women is a symbol of splendour, tradition and elegance, a classic floral oriental fragrance. Boucheron’s designers created this elegant perfume in 1988 and it was inspired by the art of Parisian goldsmiths from Place Vendome. The bottle was designed by Joel Desgrippes.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

5 Fashion Habits That Make You Look Old

Dress with style:

Yes, we agree that most women past the age of 16 probably shouldn’t wear certain things (silly graphic T-shirts, for example), but to tell a women she shouldn’t wear a mini skirt, a certain color lipstick, or a pair of leggings because she’s a certain age is ludicrous.
However, what we do believe in is age-appropriate styling, which means knowing how to take pieces you like and make them look chic without being trendy, comfy without being messy, and vaguely sexy without being overt, especially if you’re out in the working world.

Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to age yourself with your fashion choices—you can be in your late twenties, thirties, forties, fifties, or beyond and dress like a grown-up while still looking modern and cool. In the interest of always looking your absolute best, here are 5 fashion habits women have that make them look older than they are, and simple ways to fix them right now.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

What Colors You Should—And Shouldn’t—Wear To a Job Interview

So you’ve accomplished the hard part—you’ve landed the job interview—and now you’re freaking out because you have no idea what to wear. You’ve heard the standard advice: Dress for the industry in which you’re interviewing (there’s a big difference between a job at a white-shoe law firm and a tech startup, and your clothes should reflect that), don’t wear anything too fashion forward (you want to be the star of the interview, not your handbag) and, above all else, don’t you dare wear something sloppy or better suited for a night of cocktails with your friends than a serious job interview. But, there’s actually another concern to add to the mix, and that’s color.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Get Rid of Static Cling - Fashion Tips -

Static cling is every fashion girl’s worst nightmare, and there is no time that static cling strikes quite like winter. Because static occurs when electric charges accumulate on fabrics that are rubbing together, especially in a dry environment, the combination of tights, and a skirt, and dry weather usually equals a static cling 911.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Welcome 2015!!!

Thanks for all your love and support! We wish you all the best for the New Year.